Academic activities

The Academy provides training in 5 profiles and 17 specialities, in preliminary, post-graduate and supplementary education programmes, offering educational services across 5 day-time faculties, the correspondence faculty, the preliminary faculty, masterat and doctoral courses, the extension faculty for managers and specialists, 29 chairs, 12 chairs affiliated to the leading companies and research institutons.

The Laboratory of Ready-Made Clothing

Ceremony of fresher's initiation 
into the students body

Teking classes in the Humanities lecture room

In the last few years the Academy has been engaged in target training to meet the demand of various regions and organizations in competent professionals. Contracts have been concluded with Ministry of Justice of Russia, Department of Science and Education of the Nizhny-Novgorod Region, State Tax Inspection Agency of the Ivanovo Region, etc.

Special emphasis is placed on maintaining a continuous vocational training scheme “Vocational School-Technical Secondary School-Higher Educational Institution”. In this context, collaborative contracts have been concluded with Industrial and Economic College, Technical School for Artistic and Industrial Design and a few other specialized primary and secondary schools of vocational training in Ivanovo, Kineshma, Shuya, Nizhny-Novgorod, Vladimir, Ryazan.
