International relations

In the last 5 years the Academy has been involved in 26 direct contracts and agreements on cooperation with universities, scientific centers and companies of Italy, China, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Mongolia, the Ukraine, Uzbek Republic.

In 1997 the admittance of IGTA as an associated member to Manchester Textile Institute (England) and Association of Universities of Textile (AUTEX) was negotiated and agreed upon.

IGTA and Centrocot are negotiating
on setting up a JV
Awarding a Diploma of Honorary professor to 
Wan Jiung Siang, Rector of China University 
of Textile Industry, Shenyang

The Academy is a member of Italian-Russian Chamber of Commerce. An agreement has been concluded between the Academy and Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento (Busto Arsizio, Italy) on setting up a Russian-Italian JV.

The Academy is officially registered under ¹ðò-1124-99 as an organization participating in foreign economic relations.

Meeting with the Director of Educational Department of China National Textile Council, Beijing
Negotiations at the Wuhan Institute of Textile Technology, Wuhan, China. 1997

Four Academy’s scholars were bestowed the title of Honorary professors of Mongolian Technical University, and seven - Honorary professors of China University of Textile Industry (Shenyang, P.R. China) and Institute of Textile Technology (Wuhan, P.R. China), while ten foreign representatives were conferred the title of Honorary professors of IGTA.
